πŸ“š node [[sovereign|sovereignty]]
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β₯… related node [[democracy sovereignty bianca wylie]]
β₯… related node [[stack software sovereignty]]
β₯… related node [[the sovereign individual]]
β₯… related node [[absolute sovereignty]]
β₯… related node [[digital sovereignty]]
β₯… related node [[municipal digital sovereignty]]
β₯… related node [[planetary sovereign]]
β₯… related node [[platform sovereignty]]
β₯… related node [[sovereign accountable commons]]
β₯… related node [[sovereign cloud stack]]
β₯… related node [[sovereignty for the commons]]
β₯… related node [[sovereignty]]
β₯… related node [[technological sovereignty]]
β₯… related node [[the commons enables people to assert sovereignty without nationalism]]
β₯… related node [[the stack on software and sovereignty]]
β₯… related node [[20210118212122 currency_sovereignty]]
β₯… related node [[self sovereign identity]]
β₯… node [[sovereign-accountable-commons]] pulled by Agora

Sovereign Accountable Commons

we often see DAOs fall short with their aversion to the messy parts of human organizing and community building.

– DAOs: Why Sovereign Accountable Commons Might Be Better - Holochain Blog

β₯… node [[sovereign-cloud-stack]] pulled by Agora
β₯… node [[sovereignty]] pulled by Agora


Mary shook her head. Even if market and state were two parts of a single system, that single system was ruled by law; and the laws were made by the nation-states; they could therefore change the laws, that was sovereignty, that was where seigniorage and legitimacy and ultimately social trust and value resided. The market was constructed by, and parasitic on, that structure of laws.

– [[The Ministry for the Future]]

β₯… node [[sovereignty-for-the-commons]] pulled by Agora

Sovereignty for the Commons

A : [[podcast]]

URL : https://theblockchainsocialist.buzzsprout.com/903769/10423365-ccg-chronicles-7-sovereignty-for-the-commons

[[Sovereignty]] for the [[Commons]].

Sarah Manski.

~00:06:03 Socio technical imaginary where you can imagine future you want and then build it.

~00:09:06 Sovereignty. In various spaces, nation, city, workplace, etc. Digital platforms usually pretty authoritarian.

~00:13:50 [[Gramsci]], [[interregnum]].

~00:32:25 I like her personal definition of [[cryptocommons]]: distributing wealth of planet to all people of planet using technology.

πŸ“– stoas
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